

The basic rule

 In our game room, it is obligatory to follow certain norms, like good behavior, respect for opponents and FairPlay. When you come to the table, it is a tradition to greet the other player and after finishing, it is usual to thank for the game.

The game room

In the game room, there is a possibility to use the common chat, which can be found on the left side. Above the common chat, there is a count down for the next tournament - if there is one created.
On the right side, there is a list of online players. It is possible to sort it by alphabet or by rank.
After pressing the green button New table, you can create a game. You can play a maximum of 4 games simultaneously. Open tables can be viewed next to each other, or over the game room’s lower border.
The sound settings, blocking of invitations to tables and private messages can be managed at the top right corner.

The table

 If you have suspicion, that something has gone wrong, use the table reload Refresh button (top left).
If you leave a ranked game, you have 3 minutes to come back. After the limit expires, you lose.
The type of the game determines the rules, by which the game will be played. In the Settings tab, set both the time for all your moves, and Fischer. Fischer adds seconds for every move made. The amount of seconds to be added depends on your choice.

Type of the game determines, which rules will be followed.
CLASSIC - The aim of the game is to create an uninterrupted row of 5 stones/signs (in your color) in any direction. Black plays first, and he can place a stone/sign on any of the empty intersections. Then, players alternate in placing a stone/sign of their color on vacant intersection. Only 5 uninterrupted stones/signs of the same color in a row in any direction win. Six and more uninterrupted stones/signs of one color don’t end the game. In this situation, the game casually continues as if nothing has happened. The dimensions of the board are 15x15 intersections.

SWAP2 - The aim of the game is to create an uninterrupted row of 5 stones/signs (in your color) in any direction. The player, who begins, places 3 stones/signs in the following order: black, white, black. They can be placed on any vacant intersections. The opponent has then 2 different choices. He can either choose the color he would like to play for, or he can add two more stones/signs in the following order: white, black. They can be placed on any vacant intersections. If the second player chooses to add two stones/signs, player number one has to decide, for which color will he play. Only 5 stones/signs of the same color in an uninterrupted row in any direction win. Six and more uninterrupted stones/signs of one color don’t end the game. In this situation, the game casually continues as if nothing has happened. The dimensions of the board are 15x15 intersections.

Educational Centre for gomoku and renju

RENJU - two opponents alternate in placing a stone/sign of their color on any vacant intersection. However, unlike in Gomoku, their strategy depends on the color they have. The one who begins has black, and wins by creating an uninterrupted row of 5 black stones/signs in any direction. However, he can’t commit a foul. Foul means 3x3, 4x4, or a row of six and more uninterrupted black stones. Player with white stones wins, when he creates an uninterrupted row of 5 white stones/signs in any direction or when black commits a foul. The opening of the game obeys either the SWAP2 rule, or the Soosorv-8 rule.

Rule Soosorv-8 - The player who begins has to play one of the 26 renju openings (see RIF). The second player has the right to swap. Player with white stones/signs plays 4th move and decides the number of fifth moves (must be between 1 and 8). The second player has the right to swap. Player with black suggests number of unsymmetrical fifth moves. White chooses one, plays sixth move and the game continues normally.

More about Renju rules with illustrative examples
Renju for beginners

It is possible to set a game in two different ways, either rated or friendly. In friendly games, ELO doesn’t count and games and statistics aren’t saved. It is possible to allow or disallow the possibility of returning moves. It is possible to lock a table only for players, who are momentarily present at the table. It is possible to invite players from the game room to the locked table. For this, click on their nick and invite them.
At the table, it is possible to set either light or dark background, the design of a board or a paper and any background of the desk. Also, coordinates can be highlighted. Optimal green has the value of 2c9a2c. This can be set anytime, even during a game.
It is possible to dismiss a player from a table. For this, press the cross behind players nick (if he isn’t in a rated game).

Statistics and rankings

 Monthly rankings are re-set every 1st day of a month at 4AM. Monthly rankings have evaluation of the first three spots. The evaluation can be “stolen” during the month, if you skip the evaluated player in the given ranking. Stolen evaluation will only be visible after the game room’s restart. Player, who won’t play a minimum of one game per month with xobot will be deleted from the “Score with xobot” ranking. If a player doesn’t play a minimum of 10 rated games per 6 months, his ELO will be decreased by 5% monthly. If ELO < 1200, nothing will be subtracted. Rated games are saved for the time of 24 months.


 Xobot is the AI of this arena. A powerful brain called Embryo is behind Xobot. Embryo has been created by a great Czech programmer Míra Fontán. We would like to thank Míra for allowing us to use Embryo here. Xobot is programmed in a special way to personalize its level to each player. Xobot will quickly find a player’s level and play in a similar manner in order to deliver the best possible experience for the player. After 30 games, ELO of players will start to change by 2 points. Every player starts with 8ms (milliseconds) per move. The value of ms will be multiplied by 2 after AI’s loss and divided by 2 after AI’s win. After first 10 games, the value of multiplication decreases, because Xobot will have a better idea about player’s strength. Guest can set the strength of Xobot by a command into the chat “Xobot power 1000”. That means, that Xobot’s strength will be 1000ms.


オンラインユーザー - ゲームルーム: 3

xobot, Guest3688, Geordie09


トーナメントルーム: 0



PlayFive Tour
12.02.2025 - 21:00



12.02.2025 - 15:47