

Many thanks to Tomoharu Nakayama for translating into japanese.


You can choose between 2 designs in your gameroom in table settings:

You can open 4 tables at once. You can play gomoku with swap2 rule, renju with Soosorv-8 or Taraguchi rule.


1. lzoli 1856
2. scavenger 1727
3. rentimo 1710
4. dtzoli 1702
5. boneslash 1692
6. FSpalacsinta 1594
7. goodomen 1583
8. Kedlub 1577
9. dtadif 1573
10. OWpalacsinta1 1572


1. ustas45 cup 1474
2. PetrP cup 1331
3. micinka009 cup 1313
4. Canon 1311
5. banoslash 1294
6. Scatman 1289
7. KillerBunny 1284
8. dt_angst 1282
9. patron 1281
10. koreangomoker 1279

Games this month:

1. pan_bibrle crown 223
2. Vlka crown 202
3. Rampush crown 202
4. cerok 91
5. ustas45 85
6. Lojza 83
7. idea 64
8. Kublinaadodli 54
9. Domca 40
10. Lukrecja27 38


Xobot score:

1. ustas45 1599
2. Lojzeidon 1358
3. pan_bibrle 720
4. cerok 632
5. BigAle33 516
6. czpaycerok 500
7. Crusader 500
8. reramis 470
9. thor 358
10. Tartl 332


1. lzoli 1826
2. dtadif 1694
3. Lojza 1627
4. boneslash 1599
5. Gregi 1598
6. ASHOT 1597
7. Angst 1576
8. trickortreat 1548
9. cerok 1529
10. Owen 1529


01/22/25 lalendi_avor
01/21/25 DavidGaund
01/21/25 StevenFum
01/20/25 FrankAnami
01/19/25 MisteriX
01/18/25 brokerednet
01/17/25 Looniahed
01/17/25 KTP21tweby
01/17/25 Jessiemib
01/17/25 Maoidcoofe


栄誉殿堂 - ポイント


1 Lojza 6
2 peroxid 3
3 bwzoli 2
4 barvinok 2
5 OWpalacsinta1 2
6 boneslash 2
7 dtzoli 2
8 czpayroxid 1
9 scavenger 1
10 Ntec 1

Games this month

1 kwiatek257 9
2 Michi 7
4 Angst 3
5 Rampush 2
6 P.S.D. 2
7 Hloupinkateyy 2
8 Vlka 1
9 Piggi 1
10 cerok 1

Xobot score

1 cerok 16
2 Varomeo 8
3 thor 3
4 ustas45 2
6 paaja 1
7 Hayden41P3D 1
8 Syky04 1
9 Kelek 1
10 zobak 1

栄誉殿堂 ->

オンラインユーザー - ゲームルーム: 1



トーナメントルーム: 0



PlayFive Tour
22.01.2025 - 21:00



22.01.2025 - 03:27